10 Tips for Senior Portraits - What to Wear

Capturing the essence of a senior's personality and style through portraits is an exciting endeavor for both the photographer and the client. One of the key elements that can greatly impact the final outcome of senior portraits is the choice of wardrobe. The right outfit can add depth, character, and visual interest to the images, while the wrong one can be distracting or unflattering. To help seniors (and their parents) prepare for this memorable photo session, we've compiled ten essential tips on what to wear for senior portraits.

1. Showcase Personality:

Wear clothing that reflects your personality and interests. Whether it's a favorite band tee, a sports jersey, or an artistic dress, your outfits should represent who you are at this significant moment in your lives.

2. Comfort is Key:

Make sure the outfits are comfortable and well-fitted. Uncomfortable clothing can show in facial expressions and body language, affecting the overall mood of the portraits.

3. Classic vs. Trendy:

While trendy outfits might seem appealing, classic and timeless clothing choices often age better in photographs. However, a mix of both can add a modern touch while keeping the overall look timeless.

4. Color Selection:

For both senior boys and girls, consider the colors that complement their skin tone and eye color. Neutrals, earth tones, and pastels are versatile choices that generally work well.

5. Texture Adds Depth:

Texture can bring a sense of dimension to photographs. Your clothing choices can incorporate textures like lace, knitwear, denim, or tweed in your outfits to add visual interest.

6. Patterns and Solids:

For senior girls, patterns can be a fun addition, but they should be chosen with care. Avoid busy patterns that may distract from your face. For senior boys, solid colors are often a safer and more flattering choice.

7. Layers Create Versatility:

Layering outfits can offer flexibility during the shoot. You'll be able to easily transition from one look to another by adding or removing a jacket, scarf, or accessories.

8. Accessorize Thoughtfully:

Accessories can elevate a simple outfit and add personality. Bring accessories that complement their outfits without overpowering them.

9. Consider Location:

Take into account the location of the photo session when selecting outfits. Urban settings might call for a different style than natural landscapes.

10. Get a Second Opinion:

If in doubt, ask a friend, family member, or your photographer for input. Sometimes an outside perspective can offer valuable insights into outfit choices that might not have been considered.

Remember, the goal of senior portraits is to capture your individuality and spirit. By following these tips we'll create stunning and authentic images that will be cherished for years to come.